The strong network of distribu- tors paved the way for seeds of other varieties, such as vegetables, wheat, oil, and more, to be added to the offering basket. The massive growth can be attributed to the setting up the Research and Development wing in 2002 to develop new and improved seed genetics.

Hybrid Rice

Bred from two different parents, hybrid rice varieties out-yield other variants by quite a wide margin. Hybrid rice is a key solution for meeting the ever increasing global demand for rice, thus closely bridging gaps in many food crises in different parts of the world. In comparison to purebred rice, a hybrid variant is capable of producing up to 30% more yield

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Improved Rice

Low-methane rice production techniques have made it possible to cultivate improved variants which are not just good to taste but also give consumers the opportunity to choose something healthier and more eco-friendly. Some improve rice variants have long and slender grains and are also available in the gorgeous golden-yellow tinge of swarna.

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